Field Training Exercises (FTXs)
Once a semester, the Fighting Knights Battalion travels to a nearby Army Base, usually Camp Blanding or Fort Moore, for a weekend of training and leadership exercises. Cadet leaders (typically juniors and seniors) plan the weekend, coordinate food and resources, and lead the events.
During the weekend, Cadets break up into smaller squad and platoon sized elements and conduct patrols, execute team-building exercises, overcome obstacle courses, and practice fieldcraft.
In the Spring, the Fighting Knights conduct a Combined FTX with other Army ROTC units in Florida to train larger-scale field scenarios and share best practices with our sister programs.

Cadet Summer Training (CST)
CST is comprised of two training events: Basic Camp and Advanced Camp.
Basic Camp is a 28-day course in Fort Knox, KY that Cadets attend prior to their MSIII (Junior) year in the program. Basic Camp is only required for Cadets pursuing an accelerated ROTC track who have two years of participation in the ROTC program. Cadets who participate in ROTC for 3 or 4 years or who have attended Army Basic Training are not required to attend Basic Camp. Basic Camp teaches Cadets fundamental Army skills, including an introduction to tactics, marksmanship, and leadership in a field environment.
Advanced Camp is a 37-day course in Fort Knox, KY that Cadets attend prior to their MSIV (Senior) year in the program. Advanced Camp is a commissioning requirement for all Cadets. While at Advanced Camp, Cadets serve in platoons with other Cadets from across the nation and are evaluated on their leadership and tactical abilities. Cadets also gain exposure to different Army branches to facilitate them making an informed decision as to which jobs they want to pursue after commissioning.

Cadet Advanced Individual Training (CAIT)
Beyond CST, ROTC offers Cadets many opportunities to go above and beyond over the summer and during other breaks from school.
Trainings include learning to jump out of airplanes at Airborne School, learning how to rappel and fast-rope from helicopters at Air Assault School, seeing how real army units function by being attached to them for several weeks as part of Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT), going abroad to every part of the world to train with foreign military units through the Cultural Understanding and Language Program (CULP), and much, much more. The Fighting Knights Battalion has sent Cadets to nearly every kind of training there is, and our Cadets have an excellent track record of success.